Dreams and Annoyance

Last night I dreamt that the house lost its roof. Not that it blew away, but that the whole thing popped off and was just sitting next to it. This kept coming back in the dreams that followed. It was just laying there the whole time. Odd.

So. Many. Phone calls. As part of my treatment I had to transfer from one facility to another due to insurance. The insurance companies are fighting – I might not be covered at the facility where I was diagnosed after June 30th. Or maybe I will be. Better just to go to the new place. It’s a good place, but I already miss my patient advocate from the first place. I don’t have one yet at the new place that I am aware of.

Instead we are just getting phone calls. I tell five people my family history. Ask that all records be transferred to the new facility. I know they got them. Get a call asking for history. The history will not change. My sister had breast cancer so I was getting mammograms. She’s alive. My aunt also had breast cancer. She died too young, but older than I am. These facts will not change no matter what facility I go to.

I am going to treat the administrative part of this like a mortgage transaction. When I worked in mortgage, I did my best to make sure my customers communicated to me when they were faxing something. Email attachment is even better. I’d run to the machines and pick up my documents because if I didn’t, they might go missing. Someone would grab them or they’d end up in the shred bins.

I advise anyone going through the mortgage process to just be patient, and if they ask for documents five times, just keep sending them. I had two verifications of employment when we purchased out current home. Written by the same person, saying the same thing. Ohm. Hopefully they’ll call soon while I’m on break so I can give them my family history. Again.

PS: They called. It was additional history for genetic testing. That’s always fun because my mom was adopted and most of her records we cannot get to or just don’t know. I’ve asked my dad if he still has any of her records that they were able to get when she found her birth mother. I’m not sure how much of that is around still since she has been gone since 2008.

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