Fun with Bills

I got my first bill already! Excitement. I paid it. It was $101.49. This was from a bill of $1685, adjusted down by the insurance company, so they only paid $514.66. I think it was for my ultrasound? Will need to review itemized bills.

The next bill is ready to go! My copay is $2830.11. Because that is totally affordable to the average American**. (**AT TIMES THIS AUTHOR MAY EMPLOY SARCASM) The actual bill is $9326. I guess insurance covered some. I guess I am glad for out of pocket maximums/deductibles and whatnot. I’ll hit it soon. Then I just have to try to get all my treatment done within this calendar year so that I don’t have to pay out of pocket again next year. Right?

A little background.

When I was in to hopefully get a cyst aspirated after they found a mass on my mammogram and then did an ultrasound, the doctor could not aspirate it. She changed it to a biopsy. My breast was numbed, she couldn’t get it to aspirate. So, she immediately went to the biopsy.

I was watching the whole thing on the ultrasound monitor. Medical stuff is fascinating, although I enjoy it more when it’s not happening to me. Not gonna lie.

The waiting is the hardest part. I’m waiting right now. I have accomplished a Herculean amount of work this week, although I did have to ask for a bit of relief. I’m still human and can only sit for so long without causing issues. Working means I can’t think about myself. I’m worrying about and taking care of my consumers.

When I’m not working, I’m researching, looking at hospital bills, petting dogs, hugging my husband, having fun. Monday will come. We will find out more.

Filed under: Money stuff