Just pretend you’re at The Blue Man Group

That’s what I told myself as the MRI machine clicked and fussed around me. I was facedown on a table with my boobs hanging through the table. I’d started with head Enya, but she was too peaceful for the racket going on around. Blue Men. That’s the ticket. As the sounds moved around me – real or imagined? Not sure as I’m not an MRI tech – I could pretend other Blue Men picked it up and were playing the same thing, just it had moved on to the next member of the ensemble.

And the whirring of the machine when nothing was happening? That was one Blue Man the entire time cranking an instrument that made that noise. It worked. I went through 30-35 minutes in a tube on my face with boobs dangling and my arms stretched above my head. My hands started to fall asleep near the end, but it wasn’t too bad.

That was the last test of the day. I should know what it says tomorrow when the surgeon calls. 

The first thing was a blood draw. Everyone wanted some, apparently, but my phlebotomist – a person who draws blood – was fantastic. We spent the entire 2 minutes together (okay, maybe 5) cracking jokes. I like it when people enjoy their work. Makes it easier for everyone involved.

Then on to genetic counseling. She explained how it works and we determined that it is very different than it was 10 years ago when my sister was tested and showed a negative test. You are not likely to have the genetic component, but if you are found to have it, it’s good to know. It can color your treatment decisions. 

After that was my surgical consult. At the moment, depending on what oncology says next week, all options are on the table. My cancer could be treated via lumpectomy or mastectomy. A lumpectomy – removal of the offending area only – would require radiation treatment after. A mastectomy – removal of one or both breasts – would not require radiation. Currently, I could do surgery + chemo, or chemo + surgery. Radiation would be right after surgery, whichever way it went. 

Then there are options for reconstruction. You could just opt for none, in which case a prosthesis may be used. You could opt for implants – not my idea of fun. Or there’s a procedure where they can use belly fat to reconstruct the breast if your fat is the right fat or something. The diet can wait? 

Bottom line for me: No real decision yet.

And then there was the MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging. That’s where I started and where I will end. Just imagine The Blue Man Group on a dark stage. It helps if you keep your eyes closed.

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