Kidding. Although, that is one of my dream cars, so feel free to buy it for me!
That’s just the sound of the 11 month medical payment plan at $282.32 starting. My favorite part of setting up a payment plan? Other than the fact that it won’t be paid off until after all of my treatment for my tatas is done? It was when I looked at it on my online portal and it said, “Payment Plan 1” next to it. Hint: I’ll probably need another payment plan next spring after my surgery. Fun!
Good news about a payment plan? It’s 1 cent off from the actual payment, so as long as I pay on time, we good. Also, that it exists. I do wonder, though, how many people just don’t pay it or can’t afford to pay it. I’m thinking back to my mortgage days and all the medical collections all over peoples’ credit reports. Ah, memories.
Plan is to pay it. I still have $1,815.37 left from what my friends raised for me which I may or may not use for the payment plans, or will hold until next spring with the next round of bills.
Because guess what??? I’ve hit my deductible!! All $6,950 of it. Congratulations, I guess? Next goal - this is a stretch goal, mind you - my out-of-pocket maximum weighing in at $7,900. I’m currently at $7,203.63. I may not hit this one - don’t be too upset! - because of my clinical trial. All of my drugs and most of my doctor appointments from here until the end of treatment with talazoparib are paid for by the drug company running the trial.
Unless they decide to discontinue the trial and kick me off. I’m assuming they won’t, but it could happen.
Goals for the rest of the year:
- Kick cancer’s ass until my health resets on January 1, 2020, at which time I will, apparently have a health reset since that’s when my insurance resets. I’m not hopeful that the reset will actually happen, but I’ll do my best.
- Husband can’t get sick! If he does, we will owe another $6950 deductible and $7900 out of pocket max. Also, Edie has advised us that she only cares about hunting bunnies and Arthur’s plan, if we are both sick, is to just stare at us with really, really wet eyes because that is, in his opinion, the best way to get treats and/or snuggle-cuddles.
- Try to stay as healthy as I am currently. Fingers crossed.
- Start working on the FU Cancer Foundation. I have no idea how to run a foundation and do not plan to once it’s up and running. I’d rather caption. But I think it’s important to help people get back into some sort of normalcy after all this cancer crap. And it stands for Follow-Up. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Our actual cars. 2012 Pilot and 2009 Fit. The Fit is for sale! - Get categories put on here so it’s easier to find something. Right now it’s entirely stream of consciousness. This is the 34th blog post I’ve started, by the way. I have a few I haven’t published yet.
- Get the bill/time thingy I’ve made up on here. Update is that we’ve spent 13 hours in the car, 16.75 hours in doctors offices, and drove 385 miles. Also, a lot of that was when we were going downtown, and we will start doing that more again in November. Oh! And my insurance has charged $58,904 and given themselves a discount of $40,974. Keeping track of this stuff is so fun, it makes my head hurt. I also need to reconcile my stuff - my out-of-pocket numbers don’t match theirs. Hm.
- Have fun. Enjoy my tatas during their last hurrah. Except the right one is kind of sore. I’m hoping this just means the drugs are attacking the tumor and kicking its ass.