Stuff Keeps Breaking

I’m doing okay. I had blood work and oncology appointment last week. Didn’t ask for my results and they haven’t been posted. Oncologist still hasn’t felt a darn thing. In particular today I feel a little bleh. I’m assuming RBC and maybe WBC counts are starting to go lower. Especially RBC. It was already low last appointment, and my blood pressure was low for me. Oh well.


So, what keeps breaking? Oh… the house. We had a contractor fix the old damage from the roof leaking. We’d replaced the roof in October 2018, so better late than never!


Except. Then it rained, and our year old roof leaked. It opened up some of the cracks in the ceiling again - the ceiling is vaulted to it’s easy to see because it basically runs along the roof line - and bubbled some of the paint.


And while looking at that in despair, we also notice damage around and under the window on the inside of the house. We had the mortar on the front of the house patched last year for what we thought was just normal wear and tear. Nope. Or yes, but worse than we thought. Our lintel above the garage is probably sagging. We had noticed that the repair work done last year was starting to open up. It needs to get fixed.

Our front yard decorated for Halloween. A skull tiki torch in the foreground, a giant red spider, a scarecrow, and the creepy white lady. A blue sky with a few clouds overhead.
At least the spider finally came out! Maybe she was holding the house up?


Good luck finding anyone to call you back to fix stuff like this around here. We did get one company who said they’d get us a quote - time will tell.


We called our insurance company and they sent an adjuster out. They will help cover the inside repairs, although we have no idea to the extent of repairs needed around and under the window on the inside. They will not cover any of the exterior repairs. Our roofer is coming out Thursday or Friday this week - the leak happened on Monday - to hopefully fix it once and for all. So, that’s good. But we are on the hook for whatever repairs need to be done to the front of the home.


I’m glad I took out more than we needed in an equity line when we were needing the roof. I’m hoping the costs won’t be excessive, but not holding my breath.


See, life doesn’t stop when you have cancer, or any other illness. It just keeps going. Stuff keeps breaking. It’s frustrating. I’m glad we can fix this. Other people have to make a choice that should never have to be made: Do I fix my home, or do I pay for my meds? Or fix this, or eat? Fix this, or pay my bills?


So, while this is a huge inconvenience, we will get through it.


We need changes so no one has to make a decision between taking care of their health, or taking care of their home and family. I don’t think just because someone makes enough money to pay their bills or has enough friends who want to help them stay afloat that they have any more right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


But until such a time that health care is not a for-profit business, we will need to help each other. I really hope I can help others soon.

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