Two Months Down.

Four to go.

Arthur the Chihuahua mix making a very funny face.
Not cool, Mum.


Yep. I’m two months into my treatment. Monday of this week, I gave the phlebotomist half of my blood supply that she extracted into 10 vials. She did advise me that some people have even more vials - I can’t imagine. It did take two pokes, which was the first time she’d had to do that. But it’s okay. Hopefully we are only at monthly sticks from here on out instead of every two weeks.


Okay. I’ll admit it. I cried a little after I left on Monday. Two pokes was not what I wanted that day. It’s weird how the little things can kind of make you more upset than the whole overarching, “I have cancer” thing sometimes.


Tuesday was a visit to the oncologist. By that time, I had much of my blood work results back. My RBC is lower than it was 15 days ago and on the low side of normal. No one seemed particularly concerned, but I think if they stopped stealing all of my blood, maybe it’d go back to normal? The oncologist still felt nothing. I’m secretly glad that I didn’t miss a lump or bump - I was terrible at doing self-checks.


I don’t bother with self-checks currently. I have professionals for that.


So, two months of treatment are in the rearview mirror! What does that mean? Instead of every 2 weeks, I get to go to the oncologist every 4 weeks instead. Yay! They’re very nice in the office, but I hope to just pass all my tests and do what I’m supposed to and have no surprises. This is the next part and we are moving on to it as expected.


Of course, November will also be the real beginning of my surgery talks. On November 11th, Veterans Day, I’ll be at month three almost. I’ll have blood work that morning and then we drive downtown and park at the hospital parking garage again. I note this, because I’m curious if anyone else will hit our car in there again. I think I forgot to mention - there was a new dent after our last visit down there. Not that it matters. It’s on the same side as the dents I put on it and the car is getting older. Battle scars.


Back to the narrative. That day I will have my first full ultrasound downtown. I am moving my ultrasounds from where I have been getting them to the hospital just to make it easier on my surgeon/I didn’t want to go for two ultrasounds in one week. One of which I’d have to pay something for most likely. My clinical trial covers all of the required ultrasounds. It just so happens that I have one due the same week I had one scheduled for my surgeon to review. Sweet.


That’s the Monday. Tuesday, November 12th, oncologist appointment! That will be the halfway point of my treatment. Let’s hope the numbers stay steady. November 18th is back downtown for my first real surgical consult. I have to make a decision soon. I still am 100% sure I do not want implants. They require upkeep, and I don’t like the idea of foreign things being added to my body if it’s not medically necessary. So, do I just go flat with no reconstruction? That is the fastest recovery time. Or do I go for the more invasive surgery which is like a tummy tuck but instead of just getting rid of the fat, they make you new tatas? It has a longer recovery time for obvious reasons. You’re being cut open in more than one place. And the surgery will be much longer.


I’m lucky I live in a place where this second option is an option, though. Not every plastic surgeon is capable of doing this type of surgery.

Fall colors in a field with blue sky and a few clouds overhead.
The neighborhood is starting to show fall!


I’ve looked at pictures of both. The reconstructions look pretty good most of the time. Except… it’ll still never be 100% normal. I’ll never be 100% who I was before. It’s weird to think about.


On another note: Happy Fall!

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