Our Home: The Foundation of a Country Song

Our roof is leaking. I mentioned this one before, I think. We’ve gotten one quote, awaiting another. The first one is around $3,000 to fix the spot that needs fixing. The second roofer said that the original job is so bad, they just want to redo the whole thing.


We will be asking the original roofer for our money back. This is ridiculous. Stay tuned on this one.


We need to get the brick front of our house fixed. It’s cracking, probably due to settling, but not severe enough for our mine insurance to kick in (yes, we have insurance to cover damage from mines - most of western Pennsylvania was mined at one point or another). Cost? $3,000-$7,000. Depends on if the lintel is damaged or not.


Let’s aim for no lintel damage. Steel is expensive.


Last, we have two downpipes that needs re-routed. That’s another $3,000. We want it done right and it involves trenching and all sorts of fun stuff. Anyway, what the hell. Might as well just do it.


We bought an older home. It was built in 1964. We’ve been trying to make sure it’s taken care of, but holy crap. Anyway, we will pay for this slowly over time. This is the kind of stuff I’d like a foundation to help people with. Not everyone can draw on credit or be able to finance this kind of stuff. Cancer shouldn’t make you have to make a decision between leaving your home a wreck or selling it and paying your medical bills. No illness should make you have to make decisions like that.


I’m forever grateful for the help that we had to meet deductibles this year from friends, family, and strangers. I wish I had been diagnosed and treated earlier in the year though. Health insurance resets January 1.


I’m holding out hope that perhaps my cancer will reset too!


Not counting on it.


This is the next stressor too. Right now we pay $695.26 per month for health insurance. That covers two people. We are not eligible for any subsidies and buy on the private market since I am self-employed. Each individual deductible is just under $7,000 for each of us. I’ve met mine. Let’s not ask my husband to meet his. Then there is an additional $1,000 or so that is is ‘out of pocket maximum’ - the only reason I haven’t met that is my clinical trial is paid for by the drug company. I meet with my surgeon next month. Let’s see if I can hit that goal! ...that I had no intention of hitting. Oh well.


November 1st the new plans become available. Obviously, I’m going to meet my deductible again. So, we have to do math. It’s possible that going with a much higher monthly premium will actually save us money over the long run. I guess this is some excitement to look forward to? Because we haven’t had enough lately.


I will put up information on the health insurance marketplace after November 1. If you are needing to buy on the private market, it’s a good place to start because you can easily compare plans.


I’m glad I have been able to keep working. We will make it through this little hump, I’m sure. It just really sucks.

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