Nothing to Report

Health-wise, anyway. I’ve been doing okay. Part of my plan is avoiding people mostly, except I’m throwing that out the window this weekend for one last big onsite captioning job before I finish treatment - hopefully in February - and have surgery - probably in March. I’m excited about the job, but also know I need to still avoid anyone that shows any signs of illness. I can’t get sick.


One more trip for the ninja mask! And on Halloween, no less. Perfect.


Other than that, we… got a new roof. Our previous roof was put on in October 2018. Two bids later - one for $3,000 to replace the obviously leaking part, and the other for $9,000 to put on a new roof because they felt that the whole thing was deficient, and we have a new roof. We ended up paying an additional $800 for plywood and things due to all the damage. The roof had more damage than it had when we’d gotten it replaced last year.


WTF?The roof of the house partially open because the workers are replacing plywood before they put the shingles on. Also, our giant red spider for Halloween is in the foreground.


We are starting the process to get compensated from the first roofing company, but in the meantime, I’m sitting on two roofs on my equity line. Hopefully nothing else breaks or we’ll need a bigger line.


Again. Thankful for friends who helped with my deductible. That might have been on the equity line and then I’d have to get much, much more creative to pay for a second roof in two years. Anyway, wish us luck. I don’t want to have to get mean about the crap roof job, but I'm prepared to. Which is why my husband is handling it currently. Angry Amanda is not something you want to experience.


Yesterday we got our downspouts from the house correctly routed to the street so we can avoid flooding out the neighbors. Oops. That was just over $3,000. That will be paid for by the insurance monies we had received to fix the inside of the house from the water damage most likely caused by the crap roof.

The side yard all dug up and new pipes being installed.

The inside will get done eventually. At the moment? Focus on fixing the exterior of the house so that we can feel safe inside for the winter.


Next month we get to pick out our new insurance plan. We received the notice of if we do nothing what our insurance will be. Oh! The premium is going down by around $20/month. But. The deductible is going up $500/person per year. The math tells me that the cost is still going up on that plan, although it is fairly minimal. We will check out other plans using the comparison tools on the Marketplace. Talk more about that soon.


Time to work and then pack before heading off tomorrow. I hope everyone has a good Halloween! I’m sad I’ll miss handing out candy this year.

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