Yesterday I had my typical pre-oncology appointment blood work and then an ultrasound. I had to argue a little to make sure that I got the right ultrasound, but in the end, both tatas got the goop. Next time, it appears we will only need to scrutinize the right tata, AKA “The Offender.”
Fine with me!
Today was oncology. Some of my counts are a little weird, but my oncologist is only concerned about my magnesium at the moment. Guess what I get to take?? Magnesium supplements! Don’t be jealous. I’ll have to look up what the side effects are of those. Diarrhea is one for sure - oh! Joy.
But the big news teased above! We have more shrinkage!! The initial measurements for my larger tumor (the little one is kind of a non-issue at this point, which is good) were: 1.9x1.1x1.6.
As of yesterday? 1.3x.9x.8!!!
It’s getting smaller. I’m responding well. As a reminder: We are looking for response to drugs before surgery due to the aggressive nature of the type of cancer I have. If it comes back, we need to know we can fight it. It’d better not come back. But if it did, we would just beat it again.
If you want to know more, I’ve explained it all previously near the beginning of this blog. Look at stuff from July 2019.
This is the happy post! I’m going to be writing a less happy post soon. Maybe tomorrow, maybe for next week. We’ll see. But it must be done. It will talk about depression and I started it on August 2nd. I was feeling hopeful then, and I’m feeling hopeful now, but sometimes things don’t seem as hopeful because my brain - maybe your brain too? - is really good at self-sabotage.
Luckily for me, I’ve gotten much, much better at redirecting it toward positive thinking. And hope. Having hope for the future is so very important. Hoping that things you are doing now are helping others.
Anyway! Today? We be happy!!! Go shrinkage!!!