All I Want for Christmas…

Is a pelvic ultrasound! Said no one ever. But that’s where I found myself at 7:30am on this Christmas Eve. Oh, what fun! She told me what was going to happen. First, ultrasound of the upper tummy and kidneys. Okay! No problem. Then… the other one. It makes sense that to get the best pictures, you should get close to what you’re looking at. Closest point to view the uterus would be the vagina.


It was a little uncomfortable, but nothing like having a uterine biopsy. Would I recommend it for the casual ultrasound user? Absolutely not! But I think they got the pictures they needed. I still have a cyst on my left ovary. That was seen on my PET scan last July. I hope they post the report today because I’m weird and I want to read it. The radiologist didn’t come in to talk to me, so I suppose that’s a good thing.

A patio with a fire pit in the middle with a roaring fire, blue sky in the background.
It was warm enough to have a fire yesterday! So, we did.


Side note: I did not blog last week. I was busy! Drag Queen Bingo to support the local Humane Society - so much fun! - sang karaoke downtown (hint: I did not win - but I had fun!), lunch with a friend, and the last gasp of city council meetings to caption. I was very busy. This week? Less so. Thankfully.


Right now I’m cleaning the house. Well, I’m blogging. But I’m almost done dusting. We will go to our neighbors’ house for dinner with their family tonight. We do not have any immediate family nearby - the closest is several hours drive away - so we have let them adopt us into their family. A few more mouths to feed? No problem! They’re wonderful and we are thankful for them and all of our lovely neighbors.


On Christmas Day, I'm going to do something crazy! I’m going to drink a mimosa. I had this cleared by my oncologist by saying, “I’m going to drink a mimosa on Christmas.” The oncologist said, “That’s fine.” All of my liver numbers and things are doing just fine, but I’ve been avoiding alcohol due to that one person in the initial trial for my drug who died of, oh, liver failure. Better safe than sorry.


Other than being traumatized by an ultrasound wand this morning, I’m doing well. My day starts with loratadine and sublingual B12 followed by breakfast. Hopefully at or during breakfast I remember to take my magnesium oxide and psyllium husk (fiber). Then I’m done until 6pm ET when I take my talazoparib. Fingers crossed for more shrinkage evidence on January 6th. That’s my next mammogram/ultrasound. That’s a busy week. I have five appointments that week: blood work, mammo/ultrasound (that’s two for one!), oncology for the end of round five, a dentist appointment - assuming my numbers are okay from my blood work - and I’ll meet with the plastic surgeon that Friday. I’ll learn more about the DIEP flap surgery.

Arthur chi-mis asleep on his back with his front legs tucked up against him. He's under blankets.


I’m struggling with whether to do reconstruction or not. My initial thought is chop them off and run away and combine that with removal of the full baby production system. Or, if I go the reconstruction route, the baby system will be removed at a later date. But I can’t wait too long. Apparently my ovaries are ticking time bombs now that I’m over 35. Yay, genetics.


I promise to spend Christmas Day focused on family and friends. To enjoy the moment. I’ll really enjoy that mimosa! Promise.


Happy Holidays to you all!

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