One Week

That’s how much time I have left in my treatment. I’m ready to be done. Yes, it’s been relatively easy. No, I haven’t had to had infusions. But I won’t miss hearing that alarm every night at 6pm telling me to go and ingest my poison.

A selfie of Amanda with her hair standing up a lot.
Still got the hair. And it does what it wants!

So, February 3, 2020 - my last time taking this pill. Hopefully forever. But, hey, cancer can always come back. At least if it does and it’s the same kind, we know where to start.


February 4, 2020 - my last oncology appointment during treatment. There will be more in the future, but this will be the end of the major part of my clinical trial and the beginning of the next phase: Surgery.


March 18, 2020 - probable surgical date. I’ll be signing papers on February 13th with my gynecological surgeon to perform a salpingo-oophorectomy with a hysterectomy. More papers to be signed February 24th with my breast surgeon. We’ll go over the surgeries in both appointments. They’ll be done on the same day, but one at a time so no surgeons accidentally elbow each other and drop a scalpel in somewhere. I’m sure that’s the reasoning. Anyway, they’ll get done on the same day.


So, I have 6.5 weeks to party with the tatas. It looks like I should be getting the drug out of my system within two weeks. So, that’s 4.5 weeks to party with alcohol. I’ll have to see if my neighbor is up for wine drinking any time soon - she just had surgery as well. You know who you are. 😉 Hugs!

Arthur chi-mix's head sticking out of blankets, he's yawning and looks kind of like a fox.
PARTY!!! Or nap. Either one works.

It’s just an unbelievably weird place to be in, I guess. I’ll be glad to be less tired, hopefully. And hopefully my red blood cells will become more plentiful and reduce in size so I am not sucking wind walking the dogs. I want to try to get in some sort of more healthy shape than I currently in, but it’s all very dependent on returning to normal.


And then I’ll be saying good-bye to my tatas and lady bits - technical terms - and going from a 38DDD or whatever I am right now to nothing. No nipples, nada. Will I flash people for reactions? Oh, probably. And also be thrown into menopause. Then I need to pay much closer attention to my diet and make sure I exercise. Menopause can increase your risk for heart disease. Mom had her first heart attack at 48. I don’t want to follow suit. I expect I’ll become a powerlifter, though, to prevent bone density loss.


I am really considering taking up running. I've never really been able to run that well - 8 minute mile was my fastest - but I think part of that was the fear of knocking myself ou

Edie beagle's head sticking out from under a blanket. She looks like she's listening for something.
Not impressed.

t. And asthma, but hopefully I can work beyond that.


So, expect to see me in the Olympics weight lifting competition and also running centuries. Yes, those are 100-mile races. Probably with a dog that I will have to carry part of the way with my power lifting skills.


And with that, I’ll see about setting up tata to the tatas events. Or at least leaving the house. I’ve been not doing that lately. So, so worried about getting sick. And it’s winter - kind of, this winter has been disappointing in the snowfall department - when I go into hibernation anyway!


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