I’m Fine.

I know, I’ve been slacking off on writing. There hasn’t been much to report. Life is on hold due to COVID-19, except I’ve been insanely busy with work. Apparently when everything goes online, they realize how important accessibility is! I hope that continues once we are all back in-person.


Yesterday I had an oncology appointment. I will have one of those every three months for forever or five years or whenever they get tired of seeing me that often and move me to every six months. Examination: passed. CBC panel: passed. I’m still waiting on some more blood work, but if I don’t pass it I’ll update here before I post this blog.

A sign that says: Just a friendly reminder - please keep your mask over your nose and mouth. It has a picture of a smiley face with arms wearing a mask.
Nose in mask, please.


I’m in quarantine. Every now and then we have a socially distanced outside dinner with the neighbors, or a socially distanced drinks outside with some friends. But mostly I’m just home. Working. Although I decided that the laundry room was ready to get done NOW. So, that’s in progress as well.

A selfie. I'm wearing a red dress with a white V on the chest with some black details, there are three buttons down each side of the dress.
Not sure how this fit when the tatas were still present...

I have not picked up any additional hobbies like I should have. It’s been so hot and I’ve been working so much that the weeds in the garden areas are having a great summer. Thankfully, so are our perennials, except for it being so hot that we finally had to start watering.


Have I mentioned it’s hot?


I was out walking the dogs today and someone on the other side of the road walking said, “Gotta get the walk in before it gets too hot! Better than snow, at least!” And I was like… “No.” I would prefer a foot of snow over this heat.


Could it be menopause? Or the fact that all the grass is dead it’s so hot? Or both? Snow sounds wonderful. That’s all I know.


So, basically, I’m fine. I’m hot. Or I’m frozen because I stay inside too much. I’m thankful we replaced our air conditioner a few years ago. It works great! My numbers are getting where they need to be, except the scale, but I’m not worrying about that one yet. I’m maintaining the 8 lb weight loss from surgery. All good.

A white hibiscus flower with a pink center.

I will try to find things to write about soon. I have several friends going through problems - cancer, brain tumor, other stuff - and I’m a little preoccupied with that as well. I just want everyone to be healthy and safe.


So, to sign off: The science is clear - wear a mask when you are around other people, especially inside! You spit when you talk. It’s time to accept this. We all do. The sooner we all buckle down and behave, the sooner I can get back to traveling for work and being more normal.


I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe!


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