
The words aren’t flowing as freely. Not a lot is happening, see? Not many appointments, no parties to attend, no outings with friends. 


We have done a few little get togethers at a distance. Although my numbers are back to normal, although I am healed from the surgeries - there will always be scars - the fear is and will be there for a long time. I can’t get sick. I won’t get sick. I haven’t been extremely sick since May of 2019. I was sick for about a month before my diagnosis. It was horrible.


I don’t want to go through that again. I don’t want to get sick at all. 


I had a sore throat last night. It’s still sore today. It’s most likely allergies, but the fear is there - what if I get sick? 


I don’t think I’d be this afraid if I didn’t have people I know who have been sick. None near me - so far? - but people I care for. Thankfully everyone I know who has been sick with COVID has recovered. I haven’t lost anyone. 


Others have lost people they love. I feel their heartbreak secondhand. It doesn’t even have to be losing someone to COVID. Losing anyone right now seems harder. It’s more difficult to gather loved ones together to mourn. Zoom funerals are a thing. 


Loved ones being tested multiple times because they keep getting exposed at work. Exposing their children. I need to get those laptops ready and sent off for them - they’ll have some sweet computers and I am due to replace a few for my business anyway. I’m well past the 2-3 year cycle. There’s nothing wrong with them, though. I’m glad they’ll be going to help my family.


I learned about kids taking old computers and making them usable again through Linux. It’s a free operating system. Learn more about this particular group here:


Maybe every school needs a club like this. Technology shouldn’t just be for those of us who can afford it. 


I joke that I’m getting radicalized through work, but if it’s the kind where more people are getting ahead and don’t have to worry about food and shelter? Sounds good to me! 


I recently turned 40. Yes, I know, I don’t look a day over 35. My birthday wish is that everyone reading this try to do something good. I don’t need anything, I’m content. But I challenge you to do something to help someone else. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, just something small. A small donation, donate some time, even just be nice to people you come across if you’re out. We are all in this challenge together. 


Oh. And wear your damn mask.

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