There are a million parks and things around here, but we wanted to go and see something. So, using the website, we went and saw some stuff!
We decided to first go and see Big Jim, Giant Gunslinger. He has an interesting background. A welder decided to build him, as welders are wont to do. He's 20 feet tall and weighs 70,000 pounds though. I've always said my next career will be a truck driver, but perhaps a welder of giant things might be fun too?
Anyway, Jim got to where he was by way of eBay. Yep. eBay. A town wanted to buy him, but the insurance was too much, so he ended up standing outside of a motel where he has been standing since 2007. It's a Best Western. So, it kind of makes sense? His belt buckle is a real horseshoe and he's very, very tall.
Would I recommend? Yes! Absolutely. Go see Jim. He's tall.
On the same road trip we went to the Menagerie of Large Fiberglass Critters in Charleroi, Pennsylvania. There are many large fiberglass critters, and we looked at them, got our pictures taken by them, and generally noted that, yes. This guy has a lot of stuff.
It was a fun little road trip, if I do say so myself, and I would recommend checking out the website mentioned above to see what kind of oddities you can find in your area.
**I messed up while publishing this week, so I'll post the pictures soon!