Winter is pretty dreary where we live. We didn’t see the sun the first week or more of the year. It’s cold. I’d rather have the snow outside still to make it more special. Mostly it’s just overcast and bleh. It’s trying to snow right now, but not enough to bring back the magic of the recently melted snow.
It’s cold to walk in too! I walked 8 miles last Saturday. That was about all I could manage with the cold. I walked just under three on Tuesday, and I’m hoping to walk a lot more the next few days. As long as it’s not too cold. Walking in the cold sucks the life out of me. It’s no bueno.
But I’ll keep walking. To train, obviously, but also because my new oncologist was so excited that I’m walking. Walking helps against recurrence of cancer!
At my three month checkup on Monday, we talked about this a bit. If I can make it through two years cancer-free, my prognosis is hella good. I’m almost a year in. I can do this! It turns out that super nasty aggressive cancers like I had tend to give up after a few years and then never wanna try again. Sounds like most New Year's Resolutions.
But I’m also feeling blah. I don’t know if it’s the weather or what. My blood work was a little crazy in the white blood cell area, but not enough for an oncology office to be concerned about. I’m hopeful that it’s just the weather and stress and all that stuff. It’s not likely to be COVID, although if it is, I can point to my husband as my only contact to trace. I really don’t go out in public. I do walk the dogs, but rarely see anyone else. Did I mention it’s cold out?
The one area of my life that is going exceedingly well is work. I’m still busy, and it appears that my two weeks off over the holidays were the perfect remedy. My writing is pretty beautiful these days with very few errors. I’m always pleased when I get through a job with nothing but minor oops. The days of the butter police may be in the past! (I was going for butterflies in their stomach… not sure how I got to butter police, but it’s good to know that someone is watching out for the butter of the world.)
So, that’s about it. I’ve been really bad about keeping up with my writing, but I don’t have much to write about most days. Maybe I’ll write about book club soon. It’s on Zoom, and I’ve read several books I probably would have never picked up before, so it’s been wonderful. Even when it came time for me to pick, I found one that I might never have read just because it’s not an 8-book story arc of epic fantasy.
I hope the new year is going well. I hope we will all get to hang out together safely soon. I miss all my people. Cheers!
PS - It tried to snow after I wrote this. It really did. It kinda covered everything, but not enough. It's okay. I feel better today.