I Wanted to Write a Fun Blog About Training Today

Instead, I am writing about an attempt to overthrow the US government by a pathetic, weak man who has convinced his followers that they are right despite all evidence to the contrary.


I realize I probably lost a few readers right there. I… don’t care. 


I turned off the TV after listening to Republican congressmen begging for him to call off his followers. One of them compared it to his time in Iraq. Is this law and order? No.


Words have power. They really do. They have the power to raise up and heal, encourage. They also have the power to destroy. To convince people of ideas that, when looked at through a lens that hasn’t been warped, are insane. Like breaking into Congress to try to stop the Electoral College vote count.


Destruction of property? Wasn’t there other protesters that were accused of that, except often when you went back and really looked, it was some white anarchist lighting fire to things? 


The Electoral College is done. Joseph R. Biden Jr. will be the next President of the United States. Nothing can or should change that.


But I am angry. I am angry with the people who thought he ‘wasn’t that bad…’ or that he’d change for the better. 


When someone shows you who they really are, believe them. The current occupant of our White House has shown it throughout his entire life that he does not care for anyone but himself. That he will throw you under the bus if you even think about going against him. That if you are Black, he thinks you are less than. 


I don’t cry while captioning much. It’s no fun because of the snot running down your face and the tears trickling into your mouth that you cannot do anything about because your hands are steady on the steno keyboard. I cried when a few of the Central Park Five told their story about being accused of rape and how a full page ad was taken out in the paper by the current president against them.


They were innocent. They spent years in jail. He doesn’t give a shit.


Anyway, as I was told four years ago when this buffoon was elected: You lost. Get over it. 


And my next call to action: Vote people out of office. Get people in office who have been poor, who have suffered in life. Get people in office who care about the American people. We need compassion for our fellow humans more than ever at this moment in time.


And if you cared enough to read until here, I have been doing my training! Today was a rest day. I walked 8 miles last Saturday. Monday was 4 miles and yesterday was body weight exercises. I’m supposed to walk again tomorrow. 6 or 7 miles probably. I listen to audiobooks while I’m walking. Current book: “Promised Land” by Barack Obama. Narrated by Barack Obama. It’s 29 hours long. I have 13 left. It’s so refreshing to listen to someone who actually knew what they were doing and understood world events. It’s a no-win job, but at least he tried FFS.

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