Month: April 2021

I Passed!!!

This week I had two appointments. My 3 month oncology appointment and my one year breast surgeon appointment. My blood work came back very good from my oncology appointment, and my new oncologist didn’t see or feel anything to be concerned about. My breast surgeon’s office also felt me up and said everything is looking good. I’ll probably do some scar revision in the future, depending on how these scars end up - I’m still healing a year out, yep - but that’s in the future.


For now, we are focused on the next year or two. Why? Because with my aggressive meanie cancer type, that’s the time it’s most likely to return. Except I’m pretty sure we kicked its ass and it’s not going to come back. 


And… they were all glad I’m walking! My oncologist said the human body is designed for walking, so I could just walk forever. I think 25 miles per day will cover it though. 


Last weekend I had my second required walk - 15 miles. The last one was when I was asleep in bed after my second Pfizer shot, but I got it done a day late! I did the 15 miles this last weekend, no problem. I have 16 miles in 5.5 hours this weekend. What’s another mile? 


After that, I have two more long walks on Saturdays - 20 miles, 22 miles - and then a 2 week chill period to let my body recover before the big one. I’m pretty excited. Nervous about flying. I love to fly, but ew, germs. Excited about San Diego, although I probably should have signed my husband up too since everyone keeps asking if he’s going. No, he’s staying home and taking care of the dogs. I’ll take him next time, though!


I feel like a slacker this week. I got rest days on Monday and Wednesday, and today was less than an hour, and tomorrow is just over an hour. I’m to the point where anything under 6 miles feels like nothing happened.


I do plan to keep walking after the long walk, although probably less intensely unless I’m training for another one! I do a lot of hills just because of where we live anyway. I think that’ll suffice. 


In other news, there are lots of things going on in the world right now. Do pay attention, even if it is difficult and feels far away. Keep your eyes and ears open. Work every day to make the world a better place in your small slice of it. If we all do good and kind things on the daily, it will absolutely make a difference.

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My flight info has arrived for San Diego! Am I excited? Oh, yes. Am I nervous? Absolutely! Am I keeping on top of my training? Yep! Even on days when it’s tough to fit in. That would be week days. And last Saturday because I had a job during the day, so I walked 2 hours before and 2 hours after.


This weekend I’ll be walking 15 miles on Saturday, and 2 hours on Sunday. I’ve only got four more weekends of insane walks, and then we have a ‘rest time’ before we leave.


Oh! If you haven’t been following before now… I’m going on an Athena Adventure in San Diego in May. I’ll be walking 50+ miles in two days, so I’ve been training by walking and walking and cross-training and walking and yoga and walking.

Lots of walking. Lots. Of. Walking.


Oh! And I’m carrying a backpack. A light one - around 8 lbs with the water in it, but still. I carry 70 oz. of water inside the bag and another two bottles of I think 16 ounces strapped to it. And another one that I carry around my hand and then just hook on my belt when it’s empty. Maybe it’s 10 lbs. Who knows. It’s not bad, really. 


Best part? I carry my hiking poles across my chest because guess why? No tatas!! Some things are much, much easier now. Jumping jacks, for instance.


I also did a little jogging uphill last week because I’m a little off. It felt okay, though. I am overall feeling pretty healthy. Hopefully my oncologist and surgeons offices will agree with me next week. 


And… I’m fully vaccinated! I’m almost three weeks out from my second Pfizer shot. Now, this doesn’t mean I can just run around and do whatever I want, I still am wearing a mask and distancing as much as possible. My husband isn’t vaccinated yet - he was awake at 3am last night and scheduled an appointment nearby for next Monday. So, soon. 


Next week I have a few doctors appointments. Never can quite escape it...

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