Month: May 2021

I Promise…

I will provide a full accounting within the next few days! I just know that my subscribers get notifications on Thursday, so I don’t want anyone to think I forgot to write about the amazing adventure I just had. Nope. I just need to get my energy back, get through the work week (note to self: next time take at least one day off), and to the holiday weekend. 


I’ll write more then. But for now, just know that YES. I did it. Over 50 miles in two days!!! YES. I have blisters. NO. I did not require a wheelchair at the airport, although I did think about it…


And YES. It was a life-changing experience and I’ve got a whole herd of awesome new friends in my life. Yay!



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I Made It.

I walked 22 miles on Saturday, May 8. On a beautiful day. Except for that freak rainstorm and ice pelting me in the face. I could have stopped in a friend’s garage, but I was headed toward home to eat. Food is that important, yes. And then on Sunday I walked inside on a treadmill at a gym with a mask on using a day pass I got from their website.


I do not like treadmills. I felt like a hamster.


That was it. That was the last ‘big’ walk I had to do before my real big walk coming up this weekend. Since then, I’ve tapered off, walking less and less - only 8 miles last Saturday, slacker! - and today I did 30 minutes of yoga for flexibility. I might dance tomorrow for 30 minutes, but that’s it. My body has been resting up, and it has no idea what is coming.


Although I was encouraged by the event email referencing the ‘rigor mortis’ we all get after walking that far. It’s true. I feel like I can’t walk after all I’ve done is walk. It’s kinda weird.


So, off I go! I’m flying to San Diego on Friday! I’ll walk 25? 26? ...miles on Saturday and again on Sunday, and then fly home on Monday. I’ll be wearing a mask on the plane - most likely required plus I found when I landed I was way more ‘fresh’ when I was in cancer treatment and was wearing a mask to protect myself. 


I’ll lose out on the part where no one wants to sit next to me because I’m wearing a mask so obviously something is wrong with me. The only thing wrong with me then was that your nasty breathing might make me sick, yo. Now we’ve had a global pandemic, and though I’m fully vaccinated, I’ll probably always fly with a mask on.


I’m really excited. Tired. Excited. Worked too much last week. Slacking off a bit this week on purpose. 


Excited to travel again. I hope the next traveling is with my husband, though. Or husband plus dogs. That would be fine too. Maybe a little camping trip before mid-summer? We shall see!


Go out and take a walk this weekend and think of me! No need to walk as far as I am, though.


It’s crazy to think that just over a year ago I couldn’t get outta bed though… wow. I'll post pictures from my walks soon too. It was fun to watch the seasons change in my neighborhood. Highly recommended.

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I Walked 20 Miles Last Saturday

That’s how far I walked last Saturday.


It took me just under 7 hours. I stopped after 5 miles for a break, and then walked another 9. Stopped for lunch. Finish the last 6.


I made it.


It wasn’t easy, admittedly. And I was wearing new shoes. I’ve destroyed my first pair of Hoka One One shoes. Walking is becoming an expensive hobby! But I only had one mild blister, and I think I can alleviate even that because I hadn’t moved my orthotics into the new shoes. They last longer than the shoes, thankfully.


Toe socks, cushy shoes, lots of hydration - I messed up on that a bit the week prior for 16 miles - and making sure to eat my snacks are regular intervals. Plus wearing the right clothes, of course. I did it.


I still am a little amazed that I made it. With all this walking, they advised us not to diet, so I’m still carrying almost the most weight I’ve ever carried in my life at this point, but I did it. And I really felt like I could have busted out the last 5.


Because when you’ve walked that far and your next walk is 4 miles? No problem!


This weekend I am to walk 22 miles on Saturday and then 3 hours of moving on Sunday. After that, I’ll taper off until I fly to San Diego!


I am fully vaccinated, but I’ll be prepping my mask and charcoal filters to wear on the plane. I really don’t think I’ll ever fly maskless again. I’m excited and nervous and just keep cheering me on. I walk with the weight of many friends and family who can’t do a walk like this. They may just not be physically able to. Or they’re still fighting. Or they’ve left us too soon.


I walk for all of them.

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