The Thank You Post

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who supported me in this adventure.  To my new family ‑‑ welcome!  I like dogs.  In case you haven't gleaned that from my Facebook feed.  To my family and friends who supported me in my journey ‑‑ thank you.  And I'll be asking for your financial support to do another adventure next year, not gonna lie. or you can support someone now by contributing to their fundraiser at Project Athena.

Looking out from the top of the last hotel. Overlooks the Pacific Ocean, about a block away, and there are palm trees and blue sky, some building, but just pretty.
I could get used to this...

Thank you to Robyn for founding Project Athena and the Athena Adventures, and leading us through San Diego and points north.  You never seem to tire and are always positive and I love that you walk with the memory of those who have gone from this world.  They will live forever through you and your work. Also, I still cannot get Pink’s “Raise Your Glass” out of my head. It’s running on repeat as I write this almost a week after we finished. Also, thank you for keeping us fully stocked in electrolytes and vitamins our bodies needed. It was funny when I had to have extra because I'm so white. Yes, I'm kind of translucent. It is true.

Looking off of the roof of the hotel where the pool is. It's getting to be night, the moon is up and almost full. The sky is clear. Overlooking Oceanside.
Goodnight, moon.

Thank you to Piper for being an amazing trainer.  You put together a plan that kept me moving most days and resting on days when I needed rest, and when the Pfizer shot kicked my butt on a required walk weekend, you totally understood.  And I wanted to keep you smiling, so I totally walked 12 miles that Sunday after that Saturday that I'm just going to forget because it was no fun.

Thank you to the crew for taking such good care of us and to our reaper for not leaving anyone behind. It was more support than I’d expected, but also exactly what we needed. Why, yes. I’d love for you to fill my water bladder! I drank more than I’d drank in training thanks to y’all!

A pile of wrappers for band-aids and stuff that I used on my feet. Also, a head lamp that I used to help look at them.
This is the better option than a picture of my feet. Believe me.

Thank you to my husband.  Between work and training, we would have a celebration if I managed to load the dishwasher for the last few months.  Thank you to my doggos for being the best cuddle buddies ever when needed, and helping me still get out on rest days and that one day where I did a mile and a half in like 45 minutes because they were with me and, well, gotta sniff everything.  You know? still counts.

And thank you to my new friends. You’re all an inspiration to me and I’m so glad we got to meet. Y’alls feet were nasty by the end of day two, but we were still smiling and having fun. I can’t think of a better group of humans I could have done this adventure with.

Selfie on a plane. I'm wearing my Athena Adventures hat, but over it is the wreath we got at the end. I'm holding up my medal. I'm wearing a black mask. I'm smiling though.
See? We did it!!

And thank you to my feet.  Feet are what you need to walk.  Hiking poles are lifesavers, but at the end of the day, my feet took the brunt of the hike. Epsom salts and nice lotions for you two!  

And lastly, I wonder how many feet Robyn and company have touched over the years?  Maybe I don't want to know.  

Looking forward to many more adventures! Time to get a bike and start getting ready!

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