Month: November 2021


Before I get started writing something poetic, the update: I had my yearly physical *and* my oncology appointment within a few weeks of each other. My bloodwork from my physical came back that my triglycerides are heading off on a voyage to space. My vitamin D is still low - back to OD’ing. My calcium was pretty high - that’s bad. Stopped my supplements for now. And my oncology blood work showed me fighting something, probably, maybe, and upon telling my oncologist about my triglycerides, he asked me what I’m eating.

Nightime Halloween - everything is lit by black lights. It's the scarecrow, headstones, and the creepy white lady that's about 3 feet tall.
Oooo!! Scary.


Cake. For every meal. Obviously.

A scarecrow made of burlap and long grass. It has skulls hanging from thick chains on its arms, a skeleton on its front. The head is spray painted black with green on the eyes, nose, and mouth and looks like it's dripping. The stem is spray painted silver.
New look!


It’s all a little frustrating because I’ve been working out most days along with walking the dogs unless work is too nuts. On those days I sit too much. Admitted. I’ve been doing a couch to 5K - C25K - and I’m up to 25 minutes running without stopping. It’s not fast, but I’m cruising along at up to an average mile of 4.4 mph. Woohoo! For someone who hasn’t run since high school? Not bad.


But today I wanted to write something more poetic. There has been a lot of pain and loss among my friends and family lately. Joy as well, but some of the pain is very close to my heart. And it never is a good time when people you love are hurting. Or they’re done hurting and have moved on to what I hope is a freaky awesome party in another place with lots of dogs running around.

A field with trees at the back. They're fall colors except for one dead tree that is turning gray in the left side of the photo. The sky is blue.
Fall is beautiful.


And I got my Pfizer booster! Woot! Get vaccinated/boosted. It looks like they’re close to a pill to prevent serious illness as well, so that’s pretty sweet!


So. Fall.

Gabe dressed as a giant pink unicorn, I'm dressed as a ghoul. I'm holding Arthur dressed as a spider. Edie is dressed as a monarch butterfly.
Family photo!


The first inkling of the change that is about to occur is the leaves. Some begin to change in August because they’re so over it and want to be ready for the first round of raking as soon as possible. Others hold on into November, December, January… are surprised by the new leaves sprouting in March. 


That’s a different story.

A red Japanese maple tree with the sun overhead. It's very wide and dramatic-looking.


And the sunlight. It’s slow at first, the lessening yet brightening of the sun beating down on us as we move about on this Earth. As the days get shorter, the light becomes more intense. When you are commuting to work, there’s a moment when you and everyone around you are completely blinded by the sun for a moment. It wasn’t there before. It’s there now. Sunglasses. Visors.

Edie is dressed as a butterfly, Arthur as a spider. Gabe is wearing a giant pink unicorn suit and we are all on a walk together. We can see his rainbow tail and mane.
A totally normal Halloween walk.


As the days get shorter and shorter, more of the leaves join the early adopters. They turn a multitude of colors - yellow, orange, red - and then many change to brown as they release from the trees to join the raking game that is played. They think it’s fun. Sometimes the homeowners think it’s fun - look for videos of kids and dogs romping and jumping in leaf piles. It’s pure joy.

A giant black spider made of pipes and the body is crafted from spray foam. Arthur is dressed as a spider with an orange leash that is attached to the spider. He does not look pleased.
New dog sitter.


This year it was hot. Until it was not. 80 degrees. 29 degrees. Within a few weeks. No, that’s not normal. 


The pines resist the change, maintaining their evergreen. Except some. Some are turning brown. Dying. Except it’s not some anymore. It’s many. They’re sick. No, that’s not normal.


The air starts to change. Where we live now the change is different than where we grew up. It smells different. It’s not good or bad. Just different.

Gabe dressed as a giant pink unicorn, I'm dressed as a ghoul. I'm holding Arthur dressed as a spider.
Partial family photo.


The temperatures will go up and down, and all around. And perhaps snow will show up before fall is completely done. We are now past the frightening Halloween season. Our house was festive. It’s a temporary art installment to make others smile. I think it works. It’s pretty spooky. Plus, I got a hold of spray paint this year so there were some big changes. And flamingos. 


Fall is a beautiful season. My favorite. Except this fall is and has been bittersweet. I worry about the futures. The ones I can shape and those I cannot. I worry about the people I love. Some are in places where they should be happy and joyful, but because of the politicization of an airborne illness they’re in danger daily. Some are living each day to its fullest as much as they can. We should all be doing that. Get with it, yo.

Arthur under a blanket. You can only see his back left leg. It looks like a turkey thigh with nails. It's kind of disturbing.
Alright then...


Next winter will come, and the only thing I can guarantee are a plethora of fake Christmas trees and flamingos. Because we still have spray paint. 


And joy. Because you are loved. And if you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you love me. Or are plotting my downfall. One of those.

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