I mean, I love the snow. But… apparently my pining for it a few weeks back worked. We’ve now had snow on the ground for the longest stretch of time that we can remember since moving to Pennsylvania.
Sorry for anyone who hates snow, but… I love it! It’s so pretty. It really helps me in the winter to just look outside at the beautiful snow, look for the tracks of wild critters or Edie trails in the backyard. It’s wonderful. Arthur hates it though. He requires a shoveled path for outside wee time.
It made it tough to walk yesterday. I did manage a mile in the slop and snow, but then came home and did a 2 mile/30 minute walk in place to finish my three miles. That one mile outside took 24 minutes, which for me is a very slow walk.
It’s okay. It’ll be spring before we know it and then I’ll have zero excuses.
I have been staying on top of my workouts. I haven’t missed one since I started the actual training plan 1.5 weeks ago. Even on rest/stretch days I do yoga or stretches as indicated on the training plan, so that’s good. I’m hoping to have no issues doing my 5 mile walk on Saturday!
Other than that, I’m just working too much again already. The pandemic is hard for way too many people, but I’m happy that accessibility is getting a boost. Not just because that’s what I do as a captioner, but also that more people are getting more and better access now. That’s a good thing.
Well, I’m off to work! Oh! It’s snowing again. Hahhahaha….. And this is my 90th blog post. Impressive or insane. One of those.