Category: Money stuff

Payment Plan vs. Just Pay It

Friday I paid what I believe to be the final payment related to my initial diagnosis from the first provider I had visited and who initially diagnosed my breast cancer. At least the guy I was in contact with seemed to think I was all squared away. We shall see. There could be additional stuff coming, like the radiology bills I just sent off.

I’m being as transparent and honest as I can be here, so here you go. The bills for me to pay were $2,830.11 and $474.22 for a total of $3304.33. I was offered payment plans with no interest. I am doing all payment calculations on my calculator, and I’m too stubborn to double check, so hopefully these are right. 

One payment plan was from the provider and it was 6 months no interest. Payment: $550.72. I guess I will have to pass on that luxury car I was going to buy. 

Kidding. We plan to drive our 7-year-old Honda until the wheels fall off and sell the other car to pay bills.

The others were 12, 24, maybe 36 months with no interest. 12-month payment: $275.36. 24-month payment: $137.68. Possible 36-month payment: $91.79.

Good news: I’m about halfway to my deductible! 

Bad news: I’m the only one currently working, I’m self-employed and I’m not sure about paying our current household bills including our insurance deductible.

The other option offered? Pay it today and we will discount it by 10%! Score. Because everyone has $3,021.31 sitting in their bank account at any one time. Especially after they’d paid their car and home insurance for the year as well as their quarterly taxes. I went with this option. Why? Because I could, and I’ll figure it out. And if I get a hospital bill every month for two years from the place where I was diagnosed, but where I’m not being treated, I might break.

We will be fine, but I’m not used to asking for help. Friends near and far are helping us, and I am completely floored by that. It is my hope that once I am through all of this that I can pay it forward in a big way. My initial idea is something to provide assistance to cancer survivors after treatments and after all the bills involved. 

Most funds and grants focus on getting people through it all, but as soon as your treatments are done, you are just thrown back into the world. Great! You’re cancer-free at the moment! Go live your life! 

Ah, it’s not that simple. Many of us will have scars for the rest of our lives. Physical, mental – we will walk around forever with the possibility of hearing that word again. Cancer. Some of us never will, some are not so lucky. And in the USA, you and your family have just gone through the largest financial strain that you were totally unprepared for. Life is stopped for a while. Plans are pushed back. 

I want to help people get back to ‘normal’ – or as normal as we can ever be after this. I’ll write more about this as I think through it.

Filed under: Money stuff

Look for the Helpers

Today I got help from a financial company. To say I had forgotten about everything, including bills, the last few weeks is kind of an understatement. I explained what had happened, they removed the fee, we all move on with our lives. I didn’t mean to start crying on the phone with a customer service rep, but it’s weird to tell a total stranger that the reason you forgot to pay your bill is that you have cancer. Very weird. That’s one helper.

Next, I will be looking to see if there is any financial assistance I can qualify for. If I find good avenues, I will share them here or via the links page. We are not poor, but meeting a deductible – $6000 for me, almost there already! – is an unexpected expense. Especially when I’m the one who works to pay all the bills. Especially when you are self-employed. If I can avoid reducing our retirement, I will. I’m not the only one here who wants to retire some day. Plus other expenses that we cannot fathom yet that will come along with everything. Like if during treatment the only thing I can eat without getting sick is lobster. Let’s add this to the list of things that probably won’t happen, but… what if they could?

The biggest helpers have been my friends and family. I am a fairly introverted person, but I am thankful for everyone in my life. I accept your thoughts, prayers, love, hugs if I see you. Don’t be offended if I don’t ask you for anything even if you are offering. I promise that if I need help, I will ask. I would like anyone going through this to do the same. Be willing to admit that you need help and ask for help. It’s not weakness to need help. It’s okay. You – we – are going through enough. Let people help. They want to help.

I am finding just talking to other people going through this or who have gone through this is helping. By talking, I mean keeping in contact online through social media or email. I even keep in contact with my family that way since they are far away. I have also had offers to have my husband talk spouses who have been through this, and I have given him that information. I hope he will reach out if he needs someone to talk to.

And honestly? My little family is keeping me sane. My husband and the dogs, Edie and Arthur. Just doing normal things around the house helps. Although, normal for us is abnormal probably, but that’s just the way it goes around here.

Look for the helpers, Mr. Rogers said. I have always agreed with him. I’m glad I have so many helpers in my life, and I hope you do too.

Filed under: Money stuff, Uncategorized

Fun with Bills

I got my first bill already! Excitement. I paid it. It was $101.49. This was from a bill of $1685, adjusted down by the insurance company, so they only paid $514.66. I think it was for my ultrasound? Will need to review itemized bills.

The next bill is ready to go! My copay is $2830.11. Because that is totally affordable to the average American**. (**AT TIMES THIS AUTHOR MAY EMPLOY SARCASM) The actual bill is $9326. I guess insurance covered some. I guess I am glad for out of pocket maximums/deductibles and whatnot. I’ll hit it soon. Then I just have to try to get all my treatment done within this calendar year so that I don’t have to pay out of pocket again next year. Right?

A little background.

When I was in to hopefully get a cyst aspirated after they found a mass on my mammogram and then did an ultrasound, the doctor could not aspirate it. She changed it to a biopsy. My breast was numbed, she couldn’t get it to aspirate. So, she immediately went to the biopsy.

I was watching the whole thing on the ultrasound monitor. Medical stuff is fascinating, although I enjoy it more when it’s not happening to me. Not gonna lie.

The waiting is the hardest part. I’m waiting right now. I have accomplished a Herculean amount of work this week, although I did have to ask for a bit of relief. I’m still human and can only sit for so long without causing issues. Working means I can’t think about myself. I’m worrying about and taking care of my consumers.

When I’m not working, I’m researching, looking at hospital bills, petting dogs, hugging my husband, having fun. Monday will come. We will find out more.

Filed under: Money stuff